- 中國外交部發言人華春瑩在3月26日的記者會上播放片段,指美國退役陸軍上校、前美國國務卿鮑威爾的幕僚長韋加臣親口承認「所謂新疆維吾爾族問題,只不過是美國企圖從內部搞亂中國、遏制中國的戰略陰謀。」
- 有關片段確實出自韋加臣2018年8月的一場演講,然而當時他已離開美國政府逾10年,其發言不能代表或反映美國政策。
- 而且韋加臣發言中具爭議的一句,本身並非斷言美國中情局曾經煽動維吾爾族人以破壞中國穩定,他在相關發言後亦提到「並非說這正在發生…這只是一個可能」,但此句不在華春瑩播放的片段中。
- 華春瑩播放的片段不足以證明美國曾執行有關策略,以此片段宣稱韋加臣「親口承認」新疆維吾爾族人權爭議為美國陰謀,亦非準確描述。
- 華春瑩的發言以及部分Facebook專頁宣稱韋加臣「爆料」,均屬誤導內容。
2021年3月26日,中國外交部發言人華春瑩在例行記者會上播放美國退役陸軍上校韋加臣(Lawrence Wilkerson,中國譯作威爾克森)的發言片段,並稱「當年參與策動伊拉克戰爭的美國前高官親口承認,所謂新疆維吾爾族問題,只不過是美國企圖從內部搞亂中國、遏制中國的戰略陰謀。」[1]

- 華春瑩播放的《對話太平洋》片段是否真實影片?
- 影片內容是否足以支持華春瑩的宣稱,即韋加臣的言論證明了新疆維吾爾族的人權爭議為美國中情局陰謀?
這個演講者是前美國國務卿鮑威爾的辦公室主任、前陸軍上校勞倫斯·威爾克森(Lawrence Wilkerson)。2018年8月他在羅恩·保羅學院(Ron Paul Institute)談到了美國在阿富汗駐軍的三重目的。其中之一就是遏制中國。他毫不遮掩地表示:「我們阿富汗駐軍的第三個原因就是中國新疆有2000萬維吾爾族人。中情局想破壞中國的穩定,最好的辦法就是製造中國的動蕩。如果中情局能夠利用好這些維吾爾族人,與那些維吾爾族人一起不斷地刺激北京,這樣就無需外力,直接從內部搞垮中國。」
在Google搜尋「Lawrence Wilkerson Ron Paul Institute」並把結果限制在2018年8月內[9],可以找到相關的活動網頁及YouTube影片。[10,11]韋加臣當日演講的主題為「帝國的策略是甚麼?」(What is The Empire’s Strategy)。
- 22分26秒開始的 "and they don't like Han Chinese in XinJiang Province of western China"
- 22分43秒開始的 "that's why the Chinese might be deploying military forces to Syria in the very near future, to take care of those Uyghurs, that Erdogan invited in"
《對話太平洋》的影片字幕亦有部分翻譯問題,例如第一句「我們(美國)在阿富汗駐軍就像二戰後在德國一樣,那是至少半個世紀以前的事了」(影片使用簡體字)原文為 “We are in Afghanistan as we were in Germany post-World War II, that is, for at least a half a century.”,意思是指美國會在阿富汗駐軍最少半世紀,而非指美國駐軍在德國是半世紀前的事。[12]

韋加臣為美軍退役上校,曾與美國前國務卿鮑威爾(Colin Powell)共事16年,包括在後者於2002至2005年期間——美國前總統小布殊(George W. Bush)首個任期內——出任國務卿時擔任其幕僚長,任期內美國對伊拉克發動戰爭。韋加臣在2005年離開政府後,抨擊布殊政府在伊拉克戰爭一事上的決策過程以至其外交政策等。[13-15]
韋加臣關於美軍會長駐阿富汗的三個理由的發言中(發言逐字稿見附錄),跟今次查核相關最具爭議之處在於他宣稱「中情局想破壞中國穩定的話,這會是最好方法,製造動盪以及與維吾爾族人從內部而非外部向北京的漢人施壓」(“Well, the CIA would want to destabilize China and that would be the best way to do it, to foment unrest and to join with those Uyghurs in pushing the Han Chinese from internal places rather than external.“)。原句當中首個「would」顯示韋加臣在推測美國中央情報局(CIA)的目標,而非描述已發生的事情。

而且在此句後,韋加臣提到「不是說這正在進行中,你並沒有聽到,但這是一個可能」("not saying it's going on right now, you didn't hear that, but it is a possibility"),然而這句未有出現在《對話太平洋》影片中。[16]
此外,韋加臣當時指美軍會長駐阿富汗超過50年,然而在2020年2月美國與塔利班(Taliban)達成協議,將會在14個月內從阿富汗撤軍。[17,18]在2021年4月美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)則宣佈美軍將於9月11日完全撤出阿富汗,比原先協定遲約4個月。[19]雖然這不能證明韋加臣提出的理由不成立,至少顯示其說法並非完全準確。
Here is what it has decided for Afghanistan, and I bet you don't know this, either. We are in Afghanistan as we were in Germany post-World War II, that is, for at least a half a century. It has nothing to do with Kabul and state-building, nothing to do with fighting the Taliban or proving that we can reconcile with the Taliban and nothing to do with fighting any terrorist group. It has everything to do with three primary strategic objectives. And I, really as a military officer, as a professional, I don't necessarily object to these objectives but I believe the American people probably ought to be told about them and there ought to be a debate as to whether or not they want to spend their money on these objectives.
The first objective is to be in the place that Donald Rumsfeld discovered was the most difficult country in the world to get military power into in 2001, and take my word for it, it is, look at it on a map, and leave it there, because it is the only hard power the United States has that sits proximate to the Central Base Road Initiative of China that runs across Central Asia. If we had to impact that with military power we are in position to do so in Afghanistan.
Second reason we're there is because we're cheek and jowl with the potentially most unstable nuclear stockpile on the face of the earth, in Pakistan. We wanna be able to leap on that stockpile and stabilize it if necessary.
And the third reason we're there is because there are 20 million Uyghurs and they don't like Han Chinese in Xinjiang province in western China, and if the CIA has to mount an operation using those Uyghurs as Erdoğan has done in Turkey against Assad, there are 20,000 of them in India and they live in Syria right now, for example, that's why the Chinese might be deploying military forces to Syria in the very near future, to take care of those Uyghurs that Erdoğan invited in. Well, the CIA would want to destabilize China and that would be the best way to do it, to foment unrest and to join with those Uyghurs in pushing the Han Chinese from internal places rather than external. Not saying it's going on right now, you didn't hear that, but it is a possibility.
So that's why we're there and I'll wager there's not a handful of Americans who realize that we, our military, has decided that for these strategic reasons, which are well thought out, we are gonna be in Afghanistan for the next half century.
- 2021年3月26日外交部发言人华春莹主持例行记者会(中华人民共和国外交部)
- 華春瑩Twitter影片
- 真相了!在新疆制造动乱,美国蓄谋已久(北京周报微博影片)
- 「央视新闻」抖音影片
- 「聲討教協」Facebook影片
- 蔣麗芸Facebook專頁影片
- 李梓敬Facebook專頁影片
- 見[1]
- 在Google搜尋「Lawrence Wilkerson Ron Paul Institute before:2018-08-31 after:2018-08-01」
- 'What Is The Empire's Strategy?' - Col Lawrence Wilkerson Speech At RPI Media & War Conference (The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity)
- 'What Is The Empire's Strategy?' - Col Lawrence Wilkerson Speech At RPI Media & War Conference (RonPaulLibertyReport YouTube影片)
- 在韋加臣演講影片(見[11])第23秒12秒起的一段內容,亦呼應他預測美國會駐軍在阿富汗半個世紀的預測︰“So that's why we're there and I'll wager there's not a handful of Americans who realize that we, our military, has decided that for these strategic reasons, which are well thought out, we are gonna be in Afghanistan for the next half century.”
- Ex-Powell Aide Moves From Insider to Apostate (The New York Times)
- Breaking Ranks: Larry Wilkerson Attacked the Iraq War. In the Process, He Lost the Friendship of Colin Powell.(The Washington Post)
- Cheney 'may be guilty of war crime' (The Guardian)
- 見韋加臣演講影片(見[11])第23分37秒。
- Afghan conflict: US and Taliban sign deal to end 18-year war (BBC)
- U.S. and Taliban sign troop withdrawal deal; now comes the hard part (Reuters)
- Biden to pull US troops from Afghanistan, end 'forever war’ (AP News)
- 見[1]
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