- 網絡多個平台流傳訊息,宣稱德國近一半女學生同意以性服務換取金錢繳付學費。
- 有X用戶曾發佈一段附有《德國之聲》水印的影片,內容與網傳訊息相同,片段曾引述說法來自德國聯邦統計局的調查。
- 《德國之聲》回覆查詢表示不曾製作相關內容,並指似乎是有未經授權者使用其標誌及影片設計來誤導觀眾。
- 沒有可信資料來源提及該調查結果,說法並不可信。
2023年8月15日,Facebook用戶「歐美珍」貼出一張截圖,圖中附有文字「德国近一半女学生同意提供性服务以换取金钱以换取教育 德国之声解释说,原因是生活成本普遍上涨,中产阶级家庭无法再为孩子的教育储蓄」,帖文獲60個表情反應、17個留言及5次分享。[1]
《德國之聲》(Deustche Welle,簡稱DW)是由德國國家稅收預算資助公共國際廣播電台,以超過30種語言製作電視及電台節目內容。[2]

在Google搜尋截圖中帖文的字句,可以找到微博用戶「大象驮蜗牛」發佈相同內容的帖文,獲186個讚、49個留言及39次分享。[5] 當中,用戶「万事支持哥」曾4次轉發該帖文。[6]
在Google搜尋「German girls sex work education」並將結果限制在2023年8月14日前發佈的X帖文[7],可以找到用戶「Gabe」(@GabeZZOZZ)於8月13日貼出一段附有「DW」水印的影片,獲4.6萬次查看、497個喜歡及260次轉發,該帖文在查核報告刊出前轉為無法查看。[8]

Factcheck Lab在Google以不同關鍵字組合縮窄範圍在《德國之聲》網站搜尋,無法找到相關報導。[9]以同樣關鍵字在《德國之聲》的社交媒體帳號上搜尋,另查看近日帖文,亦無法找到相關報導的文章或影片。[10]
Factcheck Lab電郵至《德國之聲》查詢,發言人Carla Hagemann回覆表示該影片及相關內容並非由《德國之聲》製作,似乎是有未經授權者使用其標誌及影片設計來錯誤引導觀眾相信為《德國之聲》的內容。發言人又指,《德國之聲》並不希望與該流傳訊息有任何關連。
在Google搜尋「43% of German schoolgirls are willing to provide sex services to earn money for paying tuition fees」,可找到「Gabe」的帖文,以及由其他論壇網站或名為「The Rgiht People Z」的Telegram頻道曾轉發該帖文。[12,13]將搜尋範收窄至2023年8月13日前,沒有搜尋結果提及「Gabe」帖文或影片內容的調查。[14]

上述中文帖文附有一張背影相片(見圖1至圖3),以Google Lens逆向搜尋,可找到圖庫GettyImages有該相片紀錄。[15]根據圖片說明,該圖由「Stephan Gladieu」拍攝,日期為2008年1月,地點為美國里昂縣一間合法妓院。
在Google搜尋「Germany education system」,可找到歐盟官方網站介紹德國教育制度的頁面。[16]點擊右方目錄上的「3. Funding in education」,再選取「3.1 Early childhood and school education funding」,並在頁面中搜尋「fee」,內文註明其公立小學及中學免費入學,亦不收取註冊費或成績表費用。[17]
在目錄中選取「3.2 Higher education funding」,同樣在頁面搜尋「fee」。按該就高等教育機構費用的說明頁面,現時所有聯邦州已取消一般學費(general study fees),部分聯邦州或收取註冊行政費或使用設施的費用。[18]
《德國之聲》就Factcheck Lab查詢之回覆
Thank you very much for your inquiry in this matter.
The video and other content mentioned by you was not produced by DW. It seems that unauthorized persons have used our logo and video design to falsely lead viewers to believe that this is DW content. We do not wish to be associated with the content and messages that have been spread this way.
43% of German schoolgirls are willing to provide sex services to earn money for paying tuition fees. These are the conclusions reached by Destatis. The survey was conducted among girls aged 14-16 from middle-income families. Last year, only 12% of respondents gave this answer.
Due to economic changes, household expenditure in Germany has increased 1.5 times in the past year. Many German families are building up emergency funds and use their savings to pay or their children’s education.(句中的「pay or」應為「pay for」。)
Schoolgirls aged 14-16 are willing to engage in sex work to pay for education and improve their financial situation in the future. That’s about 1 million young German girls. Sociologists say that in 2 or 3 years Germany will be facing the devastating consequences of this phenomenon. And this trend will inevitably spread to other European countries.
Many citizens and business representatives emphasise that the situation deteriorated over the past year. Economic experts believe that the only way out of this situation is to move from the current policy to «repair» the lost economic ties and to cooperate broadly. First of all, with their closest partners, including Russia.

What’s going on in Europe?
43% of German schoolgirls are willing to provide sex services to earn money for paying tuition fees.
The survey was conducted among girls aged 14-16 from middle-income families.
Schoolgirls aged 14-16 are willing to engage in sex work to pay for education and improve their financial situation in the future.
Sanctions on Russia are destroying Europe. Not Russia.
- Facebook用戶「歐美珍」帖文,點擊該用戶頁面,其名稱為「歐美珍(順叔)」。
- About DW (DW),點擊頁面內「DW Corporate Fact Sheet」可下載有關《德國之聲》的資料,另可參考頁面「At the heart of Europe」及《德國之聲》中文廣播簡介。
- 今日頭條用戶「刘继兴」帖文
- X用戶「Qing」(@Qing2022022)帖文
- 微博用戶「大象驮蜗牛」帖文
- 微博用戶「万事支持哥」先後四次轉發「大象驮蜗牛」的帖文:1,2,3及4。
- 在Google搜尋「German girls sex work education site:twitter.com before:2023-08-14」
- X用戶「Gabe」(@GabeZZOZZ)帖文,查核報告刊出前該帖文轉為無法查看,可參閱Wayback Machine及Archive.today備份。
- 在Google以下列各組關鍵字組合「German / Germany」、「schoolgirls / students」、「sex services / sex work」及「tuition fees / education」搜尋,並加上「site:dw.com」將範圍收窄至《德國之聲》網頁。
- 關鍵字組合見[9],《德國之聲》社交媒體帳號:Facebook、Instagram、X及YouTube頻道。
- 關鍵字組合見[9],並將加上「site:destatis.de」將搜尋範圍收窄至德國聯邦統計局網頁。
- 在Google搜尋「43% of German schoolgirls are willing to provide sex services to earn money for paying tuition fees」結果
- 見[12],搜尋結果可見論壇網站「NZ Issues」(全名為New Zealand Issues)及「Liberal Forum」有用戶張貼「Gabe」的帖文,查核報告刊出前該「NZ Issues」頁面已下架,可參閱Wayback Machine網頁備份。另有一個網站TGStat指Telegram頻道「The Right People Z」曾轉發該帖文,搜尋後可見相關貼文紀錄。
- 在Google搜尋「43% of German schoolgirls are willing to provide sex services to earn money for paying tuition fees before:2023-08-13」結果,結果會顯示一個與X用戶相關的連結,惟該連結已失效。根據Wayback Machine就該連結快取頁面的備份,用戶「Καθίκι」(@KYTKYTKYTKYTKYT)曾轉發「Gabe」帖文(在該備份頁面搜尋「Gabe」便可找到)。
- 搜尋結果可見此GettyImages頁面,拉至頁底可見Moonlite Bunny Ranch (GettyImages)。
- Germany - Overview (European Union)
- Germany - Early childhood and school education funding (European Union),見「Attendance of public-sector primary and secondary schools is free of charge, and there are no fees for enrolment or for report cards.」。Germany - Higher education funding (European Union) ,見小標題「Fees within Public Higher Education」。